Course Name

Sell to Serve


Canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic


Regular Rate:

Php 12,800

Early Eagle Rate:

Php 11,800

Valid Until:

October 29, 2019

Sell to Serve


Sell to Serve  is the third part of the Transformational Sales Leadership Program. This is the WHY of Transformational Sales Leadership. This strategic and tactical two-day learning workshop will discuss five customer-centric sales mindsets to sell more, serve more, and lead more. Sales leaders will be able to better serve and translate selling to their prospects since customer satisfaction is one thing and loyalty is another. As a leader, you must remember to lead the sales team in order to become transformational sales leaders.

Who should attend

The course is designed for: 

  • Potential Sales Professionals
  • Seasoned Sales Professionals
  • Sales Managers
  • Business Owners

After the course, you will be able to:

  1. Learn the five customer centric sales mindsets;
  2. Become transformational sales leaders by being a servant leader;
  3. Gain an understanding about sales urgency discovering the FAST sales principle; and
  4. Learn that not all managers are leaders.
  • The S.E.R.V.E. sales mindset
    • Satisfy
    • Emphatize
    • Respect
    •  Value
    • Energize
  • Leading sales and sales team
    • Leading your sales through account management
    • Leading your sales team to be more effective
  • Leading yourself
    • Keys to increasing your adversity quotient (AQ) and grit
  • The F.A.S.T. sales principle
    • Farmer-Athlete-Soldier-Teacher Success Formula
  • The transformational sales champ

Mr. Jonathan Petalver

is the CEO and President of the Petalver Management Consultancy Services. He designs, conceptualizes, and conducts sales training and marketing programs to Top 1000 Philippine Companies as well as Multinational Corporations in the field of retail sales, hotels, and fast food chains, leisure, pharmaceutical, information technology, telecomminication, real estate, direct selling, and multi-level marketing companies. He is also the Program Director of Transformational Sales Leadership Programs of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business - Continuing Center for Education (AGSB - CCE).

He conducted trainings and workshops for various disciplines, such as: leadership, sales and marketing, customer service and personality development, effective business communication, team building, and motivational. 

Mr. Petalver earned his Bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management from the Centro Escolar University, and completing his Masters degree in Business Administration – Regis Program from the AGSB. He founded The Sales Champ Academy and The Sales Champ Club. He is the author of the Transformational Sales Leadership book See Saw Sell:  Killer-Instinct Mindset to Sell More and Win More.

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