Course Name

Market Research


Registration for November 10, 14, 16 & 17, 2022 is now closed

Regular Rate:

Php 11,000

Early Eagle Rate:

Php 10,000

Market Research


How does a global pandemic change people’s lives, attitudes & habits and behavior? What does the New Normal really mean? All these questions need answers that will shape Brands and Marketing after the pandemic. Is there a tool that can give us an idea of the future? This is where Market Research comes in, it is at the very start of the Marketing Process.

In this course - you will learn different Market Research tools for collecting, investigating and interpreting information about a particular market a company operates in or a product/service the company offers for selling in that market. It also means making an analysis of all information in order to look for potential ways for the company to successfully operate in the market, sell the product/service, attract the target audience and gain competitive advantages.

Researching the market is an important activity providing you and your company with more business planning solutions that can help improve the company’s performance, improve sales and increase revenue.

This course is graded and may be credited to the Marketing Diploma Program. Certificate of Completion will be issued once the student meets the attendance and academic requirements.

Who should attend
  1. Marketing and sales professionals as well as entrepreneurs who want to have a better understanding of how to market products in a more accurate, insightful, creative, and systematic manner.
  2. Middle management professionals preparing for general management positions.

Successful completion of this module enables the participant to:

  1. Learn how the Marketing Process and the role of Market Research in planning the success of a Brand;
  2. Understand the importance of market research and the different types of research tools for spotting opportunities in the market, future-proofing brands, looking at how consumers have changed, investigating competitors, and much more;
  3. Understand how research has changed in the digital age and how learners can use research without having a big budget;
  4. Learn how to write a Research Brief that defines the urgent, actionable & strategically relevant marketing issue that needs resolving and present this to the class (with their team); and
  5. Learn how to use ethical methods of research to ensure the respondent's right to privacy and respect for sensitivity are protected as they share personal data so that the respondents fully understand and agree to the attendant risks they are exposed to. 

I. Introduction to Market Research and its critical role in the modern marketing process

II.  Types of research and research tools used in various phases of the Marketing process (with Case Studies)

III. Market Research in the Digital Age

IV. Group Presentation of a Research Brief

Ms. Eleanor S. Modesto was a Digital Strategy Advisor of Nurun, the global digital network of Publicis Worldwide. She also conducts workshops on creativity, presentation skills, new business and marketing communications around the Asia Pacific Region. She is a regular resource person in market research, marketing communications, brand building, and consumer insight for conferences, summits, workshops, seminars and media interviews. Ms. Modesto was also a speaker and facilitator at the Asia Pacific Media Forum held every two years in Bali, Indonesia.

She was CEO of Lintas Jakarta for over 2 decades when the agency was the number one advertising agency in Indonesia. Before she was promoted to CEO, she was Executive Creative Director of Lintas Jakarta (now Mullen Jakarta). She was Creative Director of Lintas Manila (now Mullen Group Manila) and Associate Creative Director of Ace-Compton (now Saatchi & Saatchi). In her more than 4 decades in Advertising, she partnered with various research companies and knows the crucial role of this marketing tool in knowing the market situation, the competition and the consumer. She has been conducting this workshop for Ateneo CCE for five (5) years as part of MDP or as a Public course.

Ms. Modesto graduated cum laude from the University of the Philippines, with a degree in Visual Communication. She was the first Agora Awardee for Regional Marketing Communications by the Philippine Marketing Association and was given a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019 by the Creative Guild of the Philippines.

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