Course Name

Introduction to Copywriting


February 28, 2023 - March 03, 2023

Schedule via Zoom: 

Regular Rate:

Php 12,000

Early Eagle Rate:

Php 11,000

Valid Until:

February 14, 2023

Introduction to Copywriting


In this era of the “new normal”, we either Pivot or Perish in order to survive the massive challenges that this global pandemic has brought about. Some have changed careers or started their own businesses and launched their own branded product or a service. Writing Copy to promote their products or company is a great skill to have during these times. The workshop will show learners how to write effective Copy in Print, Radio, Video and Digital content. In today’s hyper-competitive marketing environment, writing attention grabbing headlines and copy will help your Brand stand out and be different from the competition. This course will equip you with Copywriting Skills to help your brand (Product or Service) succeed.

Who should attend

Young Professionals (Newbies to Middle Managers) in marketing or sales and entrepreneurs who want to get a better understanding of the role of persuasive Copywriting in promoting their brands.

Successful completion of this course enables the participant to:

  1. Understand and learn how Copywriting can help make your brand standout in a very competitive environment;

  2. Learn how to write Copy in different media;

  3. Learn how consumer insight can provide meaningful connections that can help you write better Copy for Print, OOH, Radio and TV; and

  4. Learn how to write Copy for Digital Content, collaborate, and present/sell your Copy/Campaign to clients.

Module 1: Introduction to Copywriting

A. The Critical Role of Copywriting in the Marketing Communications Process
B. Writing Exercises for Print Medium

Module 2: How to Write a Copy Based on Consumer Insights

A. Why this is more persuasive and effective (with Case Studies)
B. Content Writing for Podcast, Radio, and Audio Media
C. Exercises on Audio Content

Module 3: Copywriting in the Digital Age

A. Adapting the principles of writing copy for Videos, Social Media, and Content

 Module 4 : Presentation of Copywriting Exercise

A. Closing and Workshop Feedback by Learners

Ms. Eleanor S. Modesto was one of the first graduates of Visual Communication who was trained to write copy. She entered the advertising business as a copywriter and rose from the ranks to become a Creative Director in Ace-Compton (now Saatchi and Saatchi). She then moved to join Lintas Manila (now Mullen Lowe) before moving to lead the creative team of Lintas in Jakarta, Indonesia. The 21-year stint in Jakarta made her realize that ideas don't have a nationality and the great ideas are those based on human insights that delve into the mind and hearts of the people who use the brands.

She moved laterally and became one of the early Agency Heads from Creative who led the advertising agency as CEO. She saw the growth of the advertising business in Jakarta from pure print and outdoor to a robust multi-media communication power house in Asia. They were exciting times in Indonesia and it was a time for pioneering ideas like starting a TV-show production unit as well as a below-the-line activation group within the agency. 

She returned to Manila in 2010 and started a digital agency, Rogue360, which evolved into Pure Digital and was later absorbed by a big multi-national advertising agency. She conducts and facilitates workshops on Marketing Communications, Consumer Insighting, Research, and Negotiations around Asia and ASEAN. 

She was the first to receive the AGORA Award for Regional Marketing given by the Philippine Marketing Association.. She also received the Hall of Fame Award from the Philippine Creative Guild in 2019.

Ms. Modesto graduated cum laude from the University of the Philippines, with a degree in Visual Communication.

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