Course Name

Applied HR for Line Leaders


April 11, 2023 - April 12, 2023

Schedule via Zoom:
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Regular Rate:

Php 11,000

Early Eagle Rate:

Php 10,000

Valid Until:

March 28, 2023

Applied HR for Line Leaders


The management of the human asset is one of the most critical functions of a leader. Yet, some leaders take it lightly which leads to gripes, grievances, demotivation, or legal disputes. This program intends to minimize such situations by providing skills in the effective acquisition,
development, and rewarding of the human asset.

Who should attend

Line Supervisors, Managers, Executives and HR Personnel

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the critical challenges facing leaders in the management of the human resources;
  2. Conduct structured interview to evaluate the attitude and skills of an applicant; 
  3. Apply the three phases of an effective performance management system;
  4. Evaluate potentials of subordinates for positions of greater responsibilities;
  5. Conduct on-the-job training for subordinates based on suggested steps;
  6. Identify most appropriate and effective rewards for actual situations in organizations; and
  7. Enumerate best strategies to lead people during turbulent times

I. Overview of Human Resource Management

II. Talent Acquisition 

III. HR Systems for the Development of the Human Asset 

    A. Performance Management System

    B. Development/Potential Appraisal

    C. Training and Development

    D. Career Development

    E. Organization Development

    F. Discipline

IV. Reward Management

    A. Kinds of Rewards

        1. Direct Compensation

        2. Indirect Compensation

        3. Pay for Performance

        4. Work

        5. Work-Life Balance

    B. Appropriate Rewards in Challenging Times

V. Best Leadership Practices During Downturn Times

    A. Outsmarting, Outdoing and Outcompeting Others

    B. Leadership Practices
       1. Encouraging Innovation and Creativity

       2. Providing Up-to-Date Equipment and Technology

       3. Empowering People

       4. Leading by Example

       5. Recognizing Social and Environmental Responsibilities

       6. Converting Problems into Opportunities

VI. Film Showing

    A. New One-Minute Manager

    B. Leadership Challenge

Mr. Armando T. Bongco, Jr is a Professional Management and Organization Development Consultant specializing in leadership supervisory and management development, strategic  planning, performance management, coaching and counseling, training and development, human resource for line leaders, and organization transformation.

He was a Consultant and HRDG Manager of United Laboratories, Inc., Senior Manager for Organization Development and Training Manpower Department of First Holdings Group of Companies, Head for Manpower Training and Development Department of the Human Resources Division of Ayala Group of Companies, and Staff Planning Assistant for the Human Resources Division- San Miguel Corporation.

Mr. Bongco was trained and certified as an official instructor for Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Program by Kepner and Tregoe, Inc., Interaction Management by Development Dimension International, Inc., and Problem Solving and Decision Making by Decision Processes, Inc. He participated and completed numerous seminars conducted by leading foreign and domestic consultancy firms in various areas of HRM.

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